Frequently Asked Questions
What is the minimum rate for each category?
It depends upon the service provider and company. They can set the amount as per the requirement.
What is the commission for Serviceday?
As per the service category it may vary.
What are the methods provided to contact the customer?
There are two methods provided to contact the customer , Once provider accept the job he can contact the customer by in app message or by normal phone call.
What kind of reports are available for enterprise admin?
Reports related to the jobs done by the company partners, payment details etc.
Why should we register with Serviceday
Serviceday is allowing you to get the required services at your fingertip using the mobile application you can select and get required services. Service day enables the communication between the service provider and Service requester easier.
Why we are not getting any requests?
If the public/ requester don't select the provider then he won't get any requests
Why should I enable the device location while using the application?
Serviceday is aimed to connect the nearest. So whenever there is a requirement the nearby users to the customer requirement location will be listed and displayed in the application.
When we can start the job/task?
It depends upon the type of service. If it is onsite job, The job can be started once you arrive at the service location and after receiving the PIN from the requester.
When will we know that we got a request?
You will get a notification and can see the new job requests under My jobs tab in Dashbord
When will a request will time out?
When the provider didn’t accept or reject the service request before a specified time then the Service request will time out.
When can I take a break?
It's up to the provider.
Where can I see the additional amount request?
In serviceday application the additional amount requests can be viewed from the notification window in the service day application (bell icon on the top right corner).
Who can create user accounts for providers?
The registered companies in the service day can create the user accounts for the providers.
Who can access the enterprise level reports?
Enterprise level reports can access only by the person who authorized by the company with valid login credentials
How can I install the partner app?
Serviceday Partner Application is available in Google playstore and Apple Appstore , You can download it and install from there.
How can I install the public app?
Serviceday Public Application is available in Google playstore and Apple Appstore , You can download it and install from there
How can I PIN to start my task?
PIN will be shared by the customer, once you reach the customer location to start the work. The PIN is secred code generated and shared to the customer for integrity.
How can I view the attached questionannaire and images?
Once the job request is in the New tab under My Jobs, All the requirements including the attachements and questionnaire answers will be displayed. By selecting the relevant icons the provider can view all.
How to take signature of the customer after completion of job?
Signature can be uploaded by taking picture using mobile camera or by selecting from the library
How do we allocate internal jobs to our staff?
You can create internal services and allocate using the New Job window. Or by selecting the New job icon from the Service provider page. You have to enter the requester details and service details etc.. Once you save the service request this will be sent to the service provider application.
How do we make sure that other service providers under quoting for the services?
Once you complete the requirement details you'll be navigated to the Select a provider screen, Where all the providers as per the requirements will be listed.
How can I rate a customer?
Can rate a customer after completing the job , from the job history window
How to change my login password?
There is change password option window, You have to provide the current password and new password to log in and confirm the new password for validation. Once you click on the save button the password will be saved.
How can I change the language from English to Malayalam / Malayalam to English?
In the profile window the Language option is included to change app language. You can select the language from there. In the public app - You can select the profile tab and select the required option under language.
How can I see my request History ?
There is an option 'My requests ' in the bottom of the Homepage , we can see the Request history from there.
How do I upload a profile Picture?
You can Upload/Update Profile Picture from the profile window , there are options to upload picture from gallery or by upload through take picture.
How do I know if the person who come to work , is the right one? Is there any way to confirm?
You can verify the provider with the document which will be displayed with the request under MyRequests tab in public applocation
Can I login from multiple devices?
No. Partner login will allow from one device at a time. Previous logins will be logged off automatically
Can I take break during my work and how to take?
Yes. We can a clock icon in the dash. Click on that icon to start the break and click on stop button to end your break
Can I accept more than one job?
Yes, you can. You can accept only one job for a particular time interval. Eg: 12:30 to 1PM, only one job can be accepted for that period if the service category allows, If service category can accept multiple tasks at a time then you can accept multiple requests.
Can I reassign the job to my colleague?
This feature is not ready and will be launched soon.
Can I add additional time and materials used to my ongoing job?
Yes. There is a separate option for that , there u can add additional hours, Additional parts and additional charges.
Can I change my mobile number or email id?
Yes , U can change Email ID from the profile window
Can I receive additional charge in cash?
Yes, After submitting the Additioal amount details you will get another window that ask for the payment method . So, from there select and submit the payment method as cash . Then receive the total additional amount as cash.
Can I remove selected services or add new ones through the App?
No , we need to visit the Enterprise for such changes.
Can I renew the documents submitted to the company for registration ? If so ,how?
As of now serviceday is not collecting any documents for registration.
Is there any functionality to save multiple addresses and select when needed?
Yes, We can save the address from the profile window, and can use it when request for a new job
Is there any discounts available?
It depends on the marketing and occasions.
Do I need to pay anything for registration?
No, There is no charges for registration.
Are they any job history of my previous jobs?
The Job history option is provided In the application to track the jobs done by the provider.
If I am unable to go for a planned job? How do I reschedule it?
As of now this option is not available, But since the job is accepted you can convey the customer through phone call or by sending message and complete the job as per your convenience.